Monday, November 23, 2009

What a very strange feeling it is to see a house you used to live in abandoned. Steven and I went to Monterey, California a few weekends ago and found the house we lived in on Fort Ord an Army Post. They had closed the base several years ago but I thought I had remembered that they sold the houses and land so to find it all abandoned was a very unsettling feeling.


  1. wow, unsettling to say the least. I can barely recognize it. what a waste to see that abandoned and so ugly looking.

  2. I don't remember much from this house, just that stupid dog Shadow!

  3. My Half brother and his wife live in Guam (both in the Air Force) and when she was a child she use to live there and they went to visit her old house and it was pretty much in the same condition if not worse! Very sad they are letting this happen!
